Commercial Leasing Contract Lawyer Toronto
If you have a Commercial Lease which needs to be drafted or reviewed by a Contract Lawyer Toronto, we can help you. At Mavrak Law, I will work to ensure that all of your needs are met and that you are protected before entering into any contractual Lease Agreement.
Typical Commercial lease agreement disputes include things like:
- the interpretation of a commercial lease agreement;
- the terms and conditions in a lease agreement;
- lease extension and renewal options;
- permitted use of leased premises;
- prohibited use of leased premises;
- termination of commercial lease clauses;
- available remedies.
If you or your small business are facing a commercial dispute, I will work hard to resolve disputes between individuals and / or small businesses in a quick and cost-effective manner. You can rest assured that we will always provide cost efficient and timely advice and representation to all of our clients. At
Mavrak Law, I will ensure that you get the best result, whether that involves settlement or taking your case to a trial.
Please contact Sanja Mavrak directly at (416) 554-4974 to schedule a consultation to discuss your case and to move your matter along.