Toronto Criminal Lawyer | Sanja Mavrak | Contract Law & Civil Law in Toronto & GTA
A general overview of Domestic Assault law in Ontario.
Domestic assault lawyer; complainant; bail; conditions
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Domestic Assault Lawyer Toronto

Domestic Assault Lawyer Toronto

Domestic Assault Lawyer Toronto

What is classified as a domestic relationship?

A domestic relationship can include a wide range of relationships, including a relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend, husband and wife, and common-law partners (including same sex partners). It also encompasses relationships with children and any extended family members. Domestic assault is considered to be a serious crime, which is usually dealt with by a team of designated Crown prosecutors. 


When is it necessary to consult a domestic assault lawyer?


You should consult an experienced domestic assault lawyer as soon as possible. Domestic assault charges are treated very seriously. If you are convicted, there may be severe punishments waiting ahead of you, which can include jail, probation, attending counselling etc.  It is important to note that if you are found guilty of a domestic assault charge, this may affect your potential for employment, ability to travel, and it may have immigration consequences. 


The role of your domestic assault lawyer is to ensure that you are well informed so that you can make the best decision and receive the best possible outcome.


How can I change by bail conditions?


First of all, you must adhere to your bail condition. Failure to do so may result in additional charges being laid by the police. Your bail will include conditions which will state that you cannot contact the complainant (victim) involved in the case. This may also mean that you cannot return to your own home. 


It may be possible to change the bail conditions to allow contact between the complainant (victim) and the accused person. This is called a “bail variation.” There are two ways that a bail condition can be changed. The easiest way is if the Crown agrees to vary the conditions, which usually requires the assistance of an experienced domestic assault lawyer.


The other option is to make an application to vary the conditions of the bail. This is a complex and lengthy process which requires an experienced domestic assault lawyer. 


When should a complainant (victim) hire a lawyer?


When a domestic charge is laid, the Crown is the only one who has control over how the case will proceed. The complainant (victim) has no control over the process, including whether the charges will be withdrawn, or whether the case will proceed to a trial. However, the complainant (victim) may wish to seek independent legal advice in order to understand the process and how they may be able to provide further information to the Crown and the courts.


Domestic assault charges are complex and it is best to have an experienced criminal lawyer advise you and lead you through the criminal court process.


Contact me:


If you require any advice, please contact Sanja Mavrak at (416) 554-4974 who is an experienced  Criminal Lawyer to advise you on any of the above matters.


Please note that the information provided is very basic legal information and is not legal advice. Please contact a criminal lawyer if you require legal assistance.

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